Friday, February 17, 2006

More from the Mullahs of Iran

Just when you think the leaders of Iran cannot be any more two-faced, evil, or insane, they prove you wrong. Today, Iran's foreign minister Mottaki felt it was his place to tell the British to leave Basra, which is in Iraq. Oh, but remember, they don't interfere at all with Iraq. Here are the details.

Iraq the Model has a great post about this. Funny how Iran feels the need to criticize Britain for the bad actions of a few soldiers, when the government of Iran violates human rights on a 24/7/365 basis. This level of idiocy and arrogance is ought to merit electro-shock therapy.

Also, go read the latest post at Regime Change Iran . It's a start.


Winston said...


Winston said...

I disagree that Shah wasnt the greatest guy.

Indeed he was the best Iranians could get in the 70s but they didnt appreciate him as much as they should

Anonymous said...

visit the two mouthpieces of Islamic Republic here in USA, Ca:

It's pathetic how they are allowed to do this under our nose.

Anonymous said...

BTW, great blog.