Friday, February 17, 2006

More from the Mullahs of Iran

Just when you think the leaders of Iran cannot be any more two-faced, evil, or insane, they prove you wrong. Today, Iran's foreign minister Mottaki felt it was his place to tell the British to leave Basra, which is in Iraq. Oh, but remember, they don't interfere at all with Iraq. Here are the details.

Iraq the Model has a great post about this. Funny how Iran feels the need to criticize Britain for the bad actions of a few soldiers, when the government of Iran violates human rights on a 24/7/365 basis. This level of idiocy and arrogance is ought to merit electro-shock therapy.

Also, go read the latest post at Regime Change Iran . It's a start.

Update on Hunger Strike II

Guillermo Farinas Hernandez has not ended his hunger strike after all. Here is a petition to sign on his behalf. All he wants is to be able to use the internet without government interference or restriction.

Free access to information is something that most of us in the US take for granted. Let us not forget those who don't have the blessing of living in a nation that respects human rights and embraces freedom.

Hat tip: Babalu blog.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Update on Hunger Strike

It looks like the hunger strike of Guillermo Farinas Hernandez is effective over. He agreed to be feed intravenously. I'm glad that he is going to live, even if it means he did not achieve his goal.

The bigger issue is this. When will all Cubans be able to exercise their God given rights without fear of reprisal from Castro's government?


In all the uproar over the Mohammed cartoons and the values of freedom of the press and freedom of speech many of us have forgotten that the Islamofascist are not the only people who want to dictate what others can say, read, and print. The communist government of Cuba, for example, dictates what is and is not printed and what is and is not read, right down to the internet.

Guillermo Farinas Hernandez, an independent journalist in Cuba, is on hunger strike to get unrestricted access to the internet. Here are the details. Our, U.S. media has not noticed this story, and it needs to be noticed if anything but starvation is to come of this hunger strike.

Please contact your Congressman, your paper, or anyone who can get this story out. God alone knows how many men and women like Hernandez are out there.

Hat tip: Babalu blog

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Viva la France

One of my favorite bloggers is back at it. The Dissident Frogman has new posts. Apparently he started posting again a couple of months ago. If only the French government had his grasp of reality.

His latest post is about Denmark and the uproar over a few, albeit rude, cartoons making fun of Muhammad. When cartoonist poke fun of Christ/Christianity I find it insulting and offensive. If I was offended enough I might boycott the paper or complain to the editor. I would never boycott an entire country, burn embassies and flags, and carry around signs that call for the death of anyone that offends what I consider sacred. I would never dream of trying to limit free speech because of it.

Back to Iraq

My sister's husband, SRA Nathan Rice, has once again been sent to Iraq. For those of you unfamiliar with my family, Nathan is a member of the U.S. Air Force's TACP (Tactical Air Command Party) and deploys with the Army. He will be in Iraq for 6 months or so and is currently stationed in Talafar.

A lot goes into his job, but the short of it is that he calls in air strikes and makes sure that friendly forces don't get hit. He will also have the opportunity to help with the training of the Iraqi Army. This is the third time he has been sent to Iraq. Good Luck Nathan, you'll be in my prayers.